Saturday, March 5, 2011

White iPhone 4, Hamann Mercedes and Nike AF1 shoes.

Executive Summary: The White iPhone 4 has been a no show. Is this an opportunity that Apple can exploit? A la the Hamann Mercedes or the Limited Edition Nike DJ Clark Kent AF1 shoes? Does that fit into Apple's portfolio of marketing tactics? For some structure to these tactics, see:

From the Desk of Aerosmith-said-Lateral-Thinking-is-Hard-On-the-Knees.

Carrying and using the "no show" Apple White iPhone 4 has apparently become a status symbol in silicon valley:
1. Why Apple can make a white iPad but not a white iPhone:
Now, there are enough "shops" around the world happy to rip apart an Apple product, and some can even put them back together. In fact, you could even classify them as a subculture. However, can Apple use these custom built white iPhone 4s a as marketing tactic?
1.  Geneva 2011: Hamann Hawk
2. Nike's Limited Edition DJ Clark Kent AF1 Shoes:
How many companies you know would draw laughs, instead of being excoriated, for not launching a promised product or extension? :-)
What do you think?

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